The next time aconnection is requested by the client, the driver will return the pooled connection, and not a newphysical connection. String getServiceName throws java. Page GlossaryAabstract classIn Java, a class designed only as a parent from which subclasses can be derived, which is notitself suitable for instantiation. These application programming interface API reference pages provide the description, summary table, and. For example, the following command generates the SQL statements to create the triggers for thebase table sales.
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An application can make multiple connections using different user IDs, and creatingdifferent Connection objects.

HP Neoview Release Software : README for the HP Neoview JDBC Type 4 Driver (Upd2 R SP2)

Savepoint savepoint throws java. String sql throws java. Page 67 The following interfaces in the javax. String getSchemaTerm throws java. Statementpooling is completely transparent to the application.

IOExceptionreadpublic int read char[] cbuf throws java. String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys java.

Page Returns the value of the reserve data locator length. Don't see a manual you are looking for? IndexThe Index contains an alphabetic list of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. Page 67 Specified by: SQLException- when error occurs. Page public boolean execute java.

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GlossaryAabstract classIn Java, a class designed only as a parent from which subclasses can be derived, which is notitself suitable for instantiation. The password is encrypted when it is passed to theserver. The format for specifying the password is: T4LobAdmin [ ] [ ] is: Page 84 CauseA value retrieved from the ResultSet getter method is outside the range for thedata type.

Clob searchstr, long start Retrieves the character position at which the specified Clob object searchstr appearsin this Clob object.

HP Neoview Release Software : Neoview JDBC Type 4 Driver API Reference (R, R, R, R)

Server-Side PropertiesType 4 driver properties that effect server-side operations are summarized in the following tables. The Type 4 driver is shipped with an error messages and status messages property file thatcontains the textual representation of errors and status messages for the English locale. The properties file is passed as acommand-line parameter. Page 95 setNameTypepublic void setNameType java. SQLExceptionSets the current service name for this connection object.

String[] columnNames throws java. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Page Sets the round mode behaviour for the driver. IOExceptionflushpublic void flush throws java. String table throws java. It cannot connect with an R2. The T4Properties class contains all the properties associated with Type 4 connection.

String getServiceName Retrieves the current service name of this connection object. The following code illustrates how to jdbf the handle to an empty BLOB column: Page 40 Type 4 Driver Property DescriptionsThe properties are listed in alphabetic order with their descriptions.

Methods inherited from class com.


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